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How can I help you?

Are you looking for someone to help you set and achieve goals, learn how to speak up for yourself, figure out what is keeping you from living to the fullest or work on breaking patterns and habits? Then check out the 1 on 1 FreeDom Coaching sessions

Want to work on your relationship? Whether you are in a monogamous or a polyamorous relationship, I can help you improve communication, help you figure out what you can do to rekindle your love life and break out of patterns that stand in the way of your happiness. My relationship coaching is Kink friendly so also kinky couples or polycules are welcome, same goes for same-sex couples and people of any gender variety.

FreeDom Rope Therapy is a form of therapy where I use the rope to wrap around your body so that you drop into your body and stay there. This way you drop into your body and have to take the time to FEEL what is happening physically, emotionally, and mentally. When you can't run from difficult emotions there is no other way than to feel your way through them and with me helping you through this process this creates a safe way to let go of old pain, trauma, and blockages. 

Curious about BDSM and Kink? In my Online 6-week KinkCurious BDSM workshop for beginners, I will explain what BDSM is and will teach you how to safely get into this super fun kinky lifestyle. The online workshop is interactive and hands-on and is suited for couples and singles interested in the background of BDSM and how to start applying it in your life.


FreeDom Coaching 1 on 1

FreeDom Coaching 1 on 1
Gele loungestoel
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Path of FreeDom - Single Session

Single 1 on 1 follow up session

60 minutes

€122,- per 60 minute session

Gele loungestoel
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Path of FreeDom - 3 Month Package

3 month trajectory to work on your goals

3 months

€888,- (see package information)

Gele loungestoel
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Path of FreeDom - WhatsApp Support

On the Spot App Support

1 month

€122,- per month

Relationship Coaching

Relationship Coaching
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Relationship Coaching - Single session

Single coaching session for a couple

90 minutes

€155,- per session

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Relationship Coaching - Single session (poly)

Single coaching session for a polycule (3 people max)

120 minutes

€222,- per session

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Relationship Coaching - 3 Month Package

3 Month Trajectory for couples

3 months


Higher-Self Coaching

Higher-Self Coaching

Boeddhistische klankschaal
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Higher-Self Coaching - Single Session

Energetic Healing session to bring you in touch with your Higher-Self.

60 minutes

€122,- per session

Boeddhistische klankschaal
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Higher-Self Coaching - Package (5 x card)

Energetic Healing session 5 + discount

5 sessions of 60 min.


KinkCurious BDSM Workshop
Boeddhistische klankschaal
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Higher-Self Coaching - (10 x card)

Energetic Healing session 10 + 1 free

11 sessions of 60 minutes



Image by Artem Labunsky
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KinKCurious - BDSM for Beginners 

3,5 + 1 hour BDSM workshops in a small group (max 12 people)

5 hours

€122,- per person/€222,- per couple

Image by Artem Labunsky
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KinKCurious - BDSM workshop (private)

3-hour private BDSM workshop for a couple

3 hours

€444,- per couple

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